Tag Archives: Rest

Meditative Lullaby

18 Jan


When I’m having trouble falling asleep because worries and fears are sounding off in my head like an alarm clock, I try first listing all the things I did that day that deserve some recognition: I had a healthy breakfast, I fed some thirsty looking dogs water, I complimented a stranger on her outfit… Then I list all the positive things that happened to me that day that I did nothing to cause: there was a lovely cool breeze all day, the man in front of me in line at the post office invited me to jump ahead of him because I was holding heavy boxes, I wasn’t slowed down by any traffic on the way home… Thinking of these things I’m grateful for both because of and in spite of me doesn’t necessarily lull me to sleep right away but, I find it’s the best way to deeply relax and soothe my body and mind when nothing else will.

Just lay down dammit!

3 Jun

It’s OK to have no energy.  It’s OK to have no desire to take action – any action.  It’s OK to be in an incubation period where all the work being done is internal.  The kind of work that only you can feel.  You might be telling yourself that this internal work is insignificant because it can’t be “seen” in the physical world.  You might be telling yourself that you’re not accomplishing enough and everyone around you is judging you for it.  But, when my body starts yelling at me to just stop and rest via strong waves of fatigue or mind numbness, I try to respect its’ request.  When I find myself getting irritable and tired after saying yes to someone else’s needs instead of taking care of my own first, I know it’s time to honor the fact that I just need to lay down for a while.  Inspired action is really what I aim for – and that always seems to pop up after I’ve rested and reflected for however long my body has deemed it necessary.  Waiting to take action until I’ve put in some honest, deep reflection time has always left me feeling present and peaceful with the results.  So, now it looks like I should stop beating myself up, and instead congratulate myself for giving in to taking that time..


Feels soooooo good:

20 Feb

Feels soooooo good:

Deborah Munies

Coaching Individuals and Organizations

P e d r o L

storytelling the world

Patricia J Grace

Author of SHATTERED, a memoir of childhood sexual abuse


"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them" Maya Angelou

Sundae Schneider-Bean, LLC

Get results. No matter where you are at.

Be Well

Because that is what you were born to be!

Don Charisma

because anything is possible with Charisma

Guided TRE™

Set yourself free with TRE™

Arghavan Sadeghi, MFT

Counseling Therapy for Children and Individuals


Street style, fashion, textiles, and talking to people.

radiance project

beauty through balance & nature